lets reading
sangat rajin mengupdate blog!!,, the boringness brings me to write something..haha..actually i got some inspiration after viewing others blog. im truly admire some people that have a very good writing skills in their blog.. good grammar and also vocab.. i admit that my grammar is still broken.. kena mmperbaiki lagi skill2 menulis..hmm.. what can i do to improve my writing skills??.. reading a lot of books??.. huhh..please... i can count how many book dat i read over this pass 4 years.. maybe less than 20 or 10 of books...haha.. ternyata kurang membaca buku.. actually.. i love to buy books..suka je membelii..tp x suka membaca..apa bezanya??.. suddenly remember the nilam's program..haha..tyme sek men...sape yg membaca paling banyakk bulan tu..akn dapt hadiah..sumtimes im so curious.. boleh ke seseorang membaca sebanyak 300 lebyh buku dlm sebulan?? x masuk akal.. (atau ak je yg berfikiran -ve).. da funny thing about program nilam ni adlh.. disebabkn benda2 ni wajib..every student sho...