The Five Years
Masa belek my profile baru la prasan rupanya bulan ni tahun ke lima dah umur my blog. Create since 2008 but active blogger tahun 2010. If i scroll down the previous post, i feel so shame, because the contain is not so matured!. Membebel sorang sorang lepas tu tulis tah ape ape. Senang kata Syok Sendiri laaaa. Biasalah tu umur pun masa tu muda mudi lagi. Apa nak dikata??. Seiring dengan peningkatan umur, Cehhh! hehe. Contain post pun dah berubah sikit demi sedikit. Nowadays I love to sharing some pictures from my holiday with friend or family, course trip and also interesting things that i found or learn in the internet to share with my friends. Sudah jarang agak nya nak post kan benda benda yang berkaitan K-pop, J-pop, T-pop dan yang seangkatan dengannya. Umur dah meningkat kan?., hehe. I hope that i can share something goods with others in the future. InsyaAllah. -End.