wut im doing???

hurmm..its 1.23 am..arghh!!..habit yg ak susah nk tinggl..tido lambat..kalo x surfing tgk tv..kalo x tgk tv surfing..hahaha..sampaikn ayh ak dah marah2..p dok menghadap laptop sampai kol 2,3 pagik..alahaiiii..nk wat camne..tu lah kegiatan harian ak.. dr dip dulu sampai la sambung degree..haiyaa..hu3..ok2..akn cube mmperbaiki habit ak yg terok ini..=P

tadik tgk kpop chart..haha..borink kot..saje je lah dok tgk channel korea jap..hu3,,yg pelik nyer..ak ngan farah leh lak dok tgk kpop chart tu sampaii abis..haha..da la x faham satu hape pon dorg nyayi..hmm..tulah da power of music kot..haha..best..sebab dpt tgk suju..haha..giler kpop group..tp xla terlampau obsess..hihi..music kt pon ap kurangnya kn..kalo kt support org luar bila industri music kt nk maju..tp kalo org kt wat music cam nth pape sape lak yg nk layan..hmm..soklan berbalikk..nth pape..i dont understand..haha(suka x fhm)..hu3;;)

Music is love in search of a word. ~Sidney Lanier


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